

4 October, 2024

Candidates have their say

WITH the Warrnambool City Council elections just around the corner, the Warrnambool Weekly this week invited all candidates to submit some information about themselves and what they feel they would ‘bring to the table’ if elected.

By Staff Writer

Debbie Arnott
Debbie Arnott

This year will see the city transition to a seven-ward council.

Each ward (Botanic, Central, Hopkins River, Pertobe, Platypus Park, Russells Creek and Wollaston) will have one elected representative.

At the close of nominations, just one nomination was received for Russells Creek, Wollaston and Botanic wards.

This will see current mayor Ben Blain (Russells Creek), current councillor Richard Ziegeler (Wollaston) and new-comer Billy Edis (Botanic) elected unopposed when voting closes on October 25.

In the remaining four wards, the candidates are as follows:


Debbie Arnott:

Serving as Councillor, Deputy Mayor, and Mayor over the past four years has been a great honour. I ask for your support as Central Ward Councillor to continue working for our community. As a business owner in Warrnambool, I am deeply committed to this city’s growth and prosperity.

My vision is to support local businesses and attract new ones by working to drive innovation and strengthen our economy. I am dedicated to promoting Warrnambool’s unique attractions to boost tourism and create more opportunities for local businesses.

As a candidate for Central Ward, I will advocate for the installation of more CCTV across Warrnambool to enhance safety and create a more welcoming environment for residents and visitors. A safer city is a stronger city.

As a regional city, we must provide strong leadership. I am dedicated to maintaining a cohesive, effective council, ensuring financial stability and transparency that our community deserves.

Peter Sycopoulis:


My vision is to ensure that Warrnambool remains a premiere city of Victoria.

Many will know me as a genuine, honest and straight-talking person and responsible local citizen.

I have demonstrated my commitment to tackling public issues and insist on proper and open accountability and transparency.

I have a strong work ethic and will bring business and council experience to the council table.

Considering the difficult economic times we are faced with, it will be challenging for all councils across the state to deliver both large and small projects.

It will be important for this next council to make balanced and considered decisions to help navigate our city through tough times.

It’s time to focus on the core business of council.

I support open consultation with our community in the development of the next four-year strategic plan while ensuring rate levels can be within affordable and reasonable limits.


Willy Benter:


My name is Willy Benter, and I am running as your representative in the Hopkins River Ward.

I have lived in Warrnambool/Allansford for over 35 years, and I have extensive knowledge of the Warrnambool area, and the economic and infrastructure challenges it currently faces.

I have owned businesses in Warrnambool for over 20 years, volunteered in the local community, and I bring local knowledge and business experience to advocate for improvements to the infrastructure in Warrnambool, including footpath links and planning for city growth.

I have actively attended council meetings for over 10 years, and I understand its operations.

I bring a practical and solutions-based mindset to council, and I am committed to transparency and integrity within council, and greater community consultation to achieve real results, based on real needs, to improve the whole of Warrnambool and create opportunities for all.

Jim Burke:


We have owned a house in Warrnambool for about 18 years and lived here for over 15 years.

Yes, I planned to live here in my retirement.

My wife and I cared for my parents through their last years, at our home.

I have been active in the community.

I worked, with others, to expose the shambles the previous council had become and stood (unsuccessfully) in the 2020 council elections.

I have campaigned strongly through the Keep Lyndoch Living group to keep the community aware of the poor management and sad consequences after Lyndoch Living was changed into a company limited by guarantee.

I have also completed a degree, majoring in politics and public policy, passing with distinction.

If elected I will bring my well demonstrated traits of thoughtfulness, diligence, integrity, and care to all issues that I confront at council.

I will put people first in every case.


Peter Hulin:

I will bring to Council experience, vision, passion and strong citizen representation

Having previously served on council for almost 12 years, I understand our city and see its great potential which I feel is not being realised.

Our council needs to be at the forefront of opportunities and be agile in this rapidly changing environment.

The rate pressure on households is unacceptable as is the lack of action taken to show leadership regarding the environment.

Smarter infrastructure for passive transport along with dealing with dilapidated roads and footpaths.

The greening of our city is ad-hock and lacking direction.

Cities today are all about lifestyle and being affordable.

Our forefathers had vision and created Lake Pertobe and so many other wonderful areas within our city.

Our council has the responsibility to continue with vision so that future generations can live in the prosperous city called “Wonderful Warrnambool”.

Jennifer Lowe:


I am passionate about Warrnambool’s future, with a strong background in governance, law, nursing, finance, community development and education.

As a long-term resident of Pertobe Ward, I’ve lived in this community, raising my family here and engaging deeply with the local issues that matter most.

I’m standing for council to promote responsible growth, protect our natural environment, and ensure that every resident has a voice in shaping our city’s future.

If elected, my priorities include fostering transparent decision-making, advocating for sustainable urban development, and improving community services such as home care and early childhood programs.

I will push for responsible financial management and fair council rates to ease the burden on households while maintaining essential services.

What I bring to the table is a combination of practical experience, legal expertise, and a commitment to delivering real outcomes.

I am ready to work collaboratively to ensure Warrnambool continues to thrive.

Leanne Williams:


I’ve given a lot of thought to standing for council and now is the right time for me to throw my hat in the ring.

I feel I have the right combination of lived experience, community involvement, personal strengths, expertise and understanding of the issues facing our city and our council.

I’ve been an active participant in numerous local initiatives, including Warrnambool College school council and Foundation, Barwon South West Regional Council for Adult and Community Education and Wannon Water’s project reference group for the renewed Treatment Plant at Thunder Point amongst others.

Many families will know me in the context of my business ownership.

In addition to volunteering I have 20 years of successful business ownership and decision making behind me.

I have owned South Coast Junior Aquatics since 2003 and in the intervening years have owned and operated a home help and community service business covering the Western District and Wimmera regions.

I’m going to focus on bringing new energy and new ideas to the council table.

Along with that I can offer transparency, inclusivity, and practical solutions to the challenges facing the community.

Matthew Walsh:


As a family man who grew up in Warrnambool, I have a deep love for our town and its people.

Having witnessed our council continually increase rates and the on-going struggle to manage and fund projects effectively.

Instead of intelligent, strategic thinking, the approach often seems to involve continuous rate hikes without addressing the core issues.

My vision is one where the council can cut unnecessary costs and redirect funds to areas that need them; leveraging smart, innovative solutions to manage our finances more effectively.

By focusing on efficiency and intelligent cost management, we can ensure that every dollar is spent wisely and that critical projects are supported.

I am committed to bringing fresh, forward-thinking ideas to council, ensuring we thrive with well-managed resources and a clear focus on our community’s needs.

With your support, I aim to create a more responsive and responsible council that works for us.


Vicki Jellie:


I am a lifelong resident of Warrnambool, and a former resident of West Warrnambool.

I have recently served as Mayor, Deputy Mayor, committed councillor and community leader.

As the founder of Peter’s Project, I united our community to build our amazing Cancer Centre here in Warrnambool and was named the 2017 Australian of the Year Local Hero.

I am committed to working with residents, businesses and community groups to advocate for what is most important to them.

Current concerns include ensuring there are safer school crossings, appropriate connection footpaths, bicycle paths and advocating for accessible public transport routes.

Advocate for better heavy vehicle and traffic management particularly in Morris Road and areas in the city.

Vital Aged Care and Early Childhood services supporting some of our most vulnerable residents.

I offer ongoing stability and strong values, and am an experienced, local representative who will work to provide quality services and opportunities for everyone.

Andrew Squires:


Knowing the importance of continuing positive engagement in the community / listening to concerns and how council to respond.

I will endeavour to keep my actions for the community focused, as community members enquiries are of extreme importance. I myself would like to seek your assistance in any way to providing open information of the operations within councils priorities to you, events and community as a whole. Importantly your opinions count and respect the values within the Warrnambool City Council.

I have been a local member of the community for 45 years and knowingly would welcome your vote to these elections.

Past experiences assisting with numerous volunteering organisations and activities.

Focusing on the importance of road safety issues is my primary priority to you, investigate to decrease speed limits, intersection alterations around the hospital precinct.

Supporting the development of new adventures and activities that could highlight the importance of social inclusion and cultural diversity.

Knowingly I would like to proceed further with how your concerns are addressed and returned to you with the outcomes with acknowledged feedback.

* Current sitting councillors Otha Akoch, Angie Paspaliaris and Max Taylor did not renominate.


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