

28 March, 2025

Car enthusiasts enjoy swap meet

MORE than 1100 people gathered at Victoria Park last weekend to enjoy Koroit’s annual Swap Meet Car Show.

By Staff Writer

Car enthusiasts enjoy swap meet - feature photo

Fine weather on Saturday saw large crowds gather at the park to browse more than 65 swap sites.

Organised by members of the Koroit Lions Club, in conjunction with the Warrnambool and District Drag Racing Association, the day proved a great social day out.

“As with most swap meets, it was another great social day out for people who were keen to browse the displays and enjoy the cars that were on show,” Lions club treasurer, David Mathison said.

“While the exact total is not yet known, I believe the day raised around $4,000 and our club will hold some discussions with the drag racing association to determine where that money will go.

“We do have a few projects in mind that we would like to contribute to; all the money stays within the district.”

With the swap meet now over, the Lions club members will soon turn their attention to the upcoming Koroit Irish Festival where they will again help out on the day.

“The Irish Festival is always a great event and one we all look forward to attending,” Mr Mathison said.

“As usual, we will host our annual art show later in the year and we’re always happy to welcome new members.”

Anyone wishing to join the Koroit Lions Club can contact David Mathison on 0447 576 706.


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