14 March, 2025
Cash boost for vital food provider
WESTERN District Food Share received a welcome boost to its funds thanks to a generous donation from the Guzzlers Car Club.

The club, which held its annual ‘Prison Break’ event at Camp Cooriemungle earlier this year, once again incorporated a large auction in to the day, with all proceeds going directly to Food Share.
Accepting a cheque for $3000 last week, Food Share executive officer Amanda Hennessy said she was extremely appreciative of the efforts of the car club and its continued support.
“This donation is certainly gratefully received,” Ms Hennessy said.
“We are looking at a future fleet upgrade and this money will go directly towards that purchase.
“Food Share is a vital service for the western district and it relies heavily on the work of more than 130 volunteers and the fundraising efforts of community groups such as the Guzzlers Car Club. “
Last year alone Food Share distributed more than 187 tonne of food, feeding more than 70,000 people, through its registered distribution outlets which includes schools, community meal programs and various support agencies.
“Sadly we saw a spike in the number of people needing support through the Covid period and that number just keeps growing,” Ms Hennessy said.
“We believe it’s a reflection of the current cost of living crisis that so many are being effected by. Feeding a family, particularly a large family, can be very costly.”
Along with monetary donations, Food Share also welcomes donations of “pantry staples” that can be left at its Harrington Road warehouse.
“We encourage people to maximise their spend when at the supermarket,” Ms Hennessy said.
“If you can afford an extra few tins of tomatoes or some pasta, rice or other staples please donate.”
Guzzlers Car Club secretary Glenn Tracey said the group was again pleased to be able to make a donation.
“We had about 350 people at our Prison Break event and the auction was very well supported,” Mr Tracey said.
“We’ve been running that event for the last seven or eight years and each year we’ve continued to donate at least $2,000 to Food Share.”