

8 October, 2023

Club told to re-route holes

MEMBER for South West Coast Roma Britnell has described the government’s decision to force Port Fairy Golf Club to re-route their iconic holes as “mean-spirited”.

By Staff Writer

Club told to re-route holes - feature photo

“The government has said it will not negotiate with the club, who will now have to re-route its iconic holes over a minor encroachment of the club’s course onto public land,” she said. 

“This minor encroachment has been the situation for over 20 years now, without it being an issue for the government. 

“For it (government) to not negotiate with the Port Fairy club in good faith is just mean spirited, especially considering the club has offered alternative options.” 

Speaking in parliament recently, Ms Britnell said the club had been using the land for the past 20 years without any public outcry or intention from any previous governments “to change the status quo”. 

“The government has not identified any issues regarding harm to the local environment. Surely after 20 years, if there were any issues these would have become blatantly apparent,” she said.

“To me the solution seems quite obvious. Leave it as is, as it has caused no harm. The Allan’s Labor Government needs to stop this mean-spirited behaviour towards the Port Fairy Golf Club and just allow the club to get on with the game.”


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