General News
28 March, 2025
Double the reason to donate
ALL donations made by the public to the South West Community Foundation next Wednesday and Thursday will be doubled by Beyond Bank.

The South West Community Foundation is a charitably organisation that holds a permanent fund, providing grants in support of a wide range of community projects and activities across south west Victoria.
The Warrnambool branch of Beyond Bank has this week pledged to double all donations made to the foundation on April 2 and 3, to a maximum total of $10,000.
“We are thrilled to be the Beyond Bank Double Donation Day partner for 2025,” executive officer for the foundation, Annabel Cussen said.
“This is such a good opportunity for us to have a greater impact in our community and to support more community activities and projects.
“For every grant we give, three applicants miss out, so every dollar counts. Now, thanks to Beyond Bank, every donated dollar will have double the impact.”
Anyone wishing to make a donation to the South West Community Foundation is encouraged to do so at Beyond Bank next Wednesday and Thursday, April 2 and 3.