

18 August, 2023

Fundraiser at Capitol Cinema

MOVIE goers will also have the opportunity to help raise funds for a great local cause next week.

By Staff Writer

Childers House captain Arwen Bounds is keen to raise funds for Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Network.
Childers House captain Arwen Bounds is keen to raise funds for Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Network.

Students from Warrnambool College’s Childers House are hoping to raise much needed funds for the Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Network (WCLN) by hosting a screening of the new Barbie movie at the Capitol Cinema next Friday, August 25. 

Each house at the college holds an on-site and off-site event every year to raise funds for their charities. Childers House has chosen to support WCLN as its local philanthropic organisation. Arwen Bounds, captain of Childers House at Warrnambool College, is passionate about the natural environment and is thrilled her leadership group chose WCLN. 

“We are inviting the public to support a future where young people like us can live in a beautiful, healthy, natural environment where plants, animals and humans all thrive,” Ms Bounds said. 

The evening starts at 6pm for drinks and nibbles and includes a brief talk from a WCLN representative at 6.30pm, followed by the movie at 7pm. 

 Tickets are $20 each and can be purchased from Warrnambool College front reception or at the cinema on the night. 

WCLN has been running successful community environment programs for decades. 

 Volunteers have revegetated the dunes around Lady Bay, discovered native animals which were thought to be locally extinct, protected the amazing Little Penguins and Short Tail Shearwaters on Middle Island and work with farmers to help them improve biodiversity and sequester carbon in the soil. 


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