

28 March, 2024

Hand prints and crazy socks

STUDENTS at Warrnambool West Primary School celebrated Harmony Day with plenty of colour last week.

Children in foundation through to year four celebrated Harmony Day and International Down Syndrome Day.
Children in foundation through to year four celebrated Harmony Day and International Down Syndrome Day.
Jameka Fleming, Allira Brown, Nate Moon and Ella-Louise Hand in front of the colourful murals.
Jameka Fleming, Allira Brown, Nate Moon and Ella-Louise Hand in front of the colourful murals.

For the first time at the school, the national anthem was sung and signed in Auslan last Thursday, followed by a Welcome to Country.

Students from all year levels compiled murals which featured their hand prints as flowers planted on the earth – signifying the many places we originated from.

Activities throughout the day included art and craft, indigenous stories and games from around the world.

Students and staff wore crazy and odd socks and also recognised and celebrated International Down Syndrome Day.

Ayviana Ashwell is pretty as a picture in orange.
Ayviana Ashwell is pretty as a picture in orange.

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