

13 November, 2023

Made at Archie display

AN exhibition featuring a range of art and craft projects completed at the Archie Graham Centre will be on display this month.

By Staff Writer

Earlier this year the centre introduced an Unfinished Projects group where people could take along any art or craft project on a Wednesday morning and work on it in the company of others with similar interests.

In recent months the centre has also increased the number of creative workshops it has held, with ceramics, book binding, sketching and card making workshops proving popular. 

The ‘Made at Archie’ exhibition was officially launched on Wednesday this week. 

The exhibition features paintings, sketches, ceramics and other items made at the Archie Graham Centre either as part of one of the workshops or during the Unfinished Projects sessions. 

Local visual artist Sy Koo is originally from Korea and took part in some of the creative workshops. 

This inspired him to share his own artistic talents with others, and he decided to start his own weekly sketching classes at the Archie Graham Centre. 

Sy, along with a number of his new students, will have their artworks featured in the exhibition. 


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