10 January, 2025
Quilt show on now
WITH over 200 quilts on display, this weekend’s Southern Right Creative Festival is sure to be a popular attraction for locals and town visitors.
The festival has a long and colourful history which dates back to 2011.
In 2011 it began as the Southern Right Quilt Show to raise funds for Peter’s Project (to help establish an integrated cancer care centre in the south-west).
Between 2011 and 2017 the committee raised in excess of $65,000 and developed a reputation for its high quality displays.
In 2019 the direction of the show was broadened and it was renamed the Southern Right Creation Festival, raising funds for a variety of community groups and causes.
Warrnambool Food Share, WRAD, Diabetes Resource Centre, Hospice in the Home, and the Francis Foundation have all benefited from past shows.
While the name may have changed in recent years, the majority of the show remains quilt-orientated; continuing the tradition of over 200 quilts on display, varying from beginner to advanced levels.
Visitors to this weekend’s festival can once again seek inspiration to create, or simply enjoy a wonderful shopping experience.
The show will again be supported by various craft-related shops from across south-west Victoria, South Australia and Melbourne.
The show will run from today (Friday) through until Sunday, with doors open from 10am-4pm daily.
A small entry fee applies.