

18 October, 2024

Report highlights extensive capital works

MOYNE Shire Council has released its annual report, which shows extensive capital works completed over the past 12 months.

By Staff Writer

Lighting was upgraded at the Port Fairy Football Netball Club this year, much to the delight of players, members and supporters.
Lighting was upgraded at the Port Fairy Football Netball Club this year, much to the delight of players, members and supporters.

Council’s chief executive officer Mark Eversteyn said council completed 90 per cent of the capital works budget, up from 70 per cent the previous year.

“We are tremendously proud of our Works and Project Management Office teams for this increase in completion rate, and for the quality of works,” Mr Eversteyn said.

“The $26.1 million of capital works delivered was an increase of $2.8 million or 12 per cent on the previous year.”

Mr Eversteyn said council’s teams finished 44 major work activities during the year, including extensive road network upgrades in the Chatsworth area, and the Minjah-Hawkesdale Road.

Other major works included stage two of the Koroit Township Renewal project, stage two upgrade of the Macarthur Recreation and Cultural Precinct and Panmure netball change facilities.

The Port Fairy Football Netball Club also had lighting upgraded and services at the town’s Gardens Caravan Park were also improved.

“During the year we also made progress on multi-year capital works projects such as the Panmure-Laang Road renewal,” Mr Eversteyn said.

Other multi-year projects include drainage and footpath works in Campbell and James streets in Port Fairy, and septic and mains power upgrades at Killarney.

Moyne Shire Council is now debt-free and remains in a solid financial position, annual financial statements show.

Moyne’s 2023/24 Annual Report shows an operating result for 2023/24 of a deficit of $6.5 million compared to the previous year’s surplus of $2.4 million.

This result is primarily due to two accounting treatment anomalies - the 2023/24 Commonwealth Financial Assistance Grant of $10.4 million relating to the 2023/24 year (received in advance during the 2022/23 year, consequently future years will now be correctly aligned) and a non-cash adjustment of $3.1 million to recognise the transfer of crown land in the Peterborough area to the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority.

“Had these two transactions not been required, council would have been able to report an operating surplus for 2023/24 of $7 million,” Mr Eversteyn said.

Important performance measures recorded for the year included 75 per cent of planning applications decided within timeframe (up from 63 per cent from the previous year).

“We also achieved a decrease in staff turnover to 13.9 per cent, from 17.6 per cent in the previous year which was a pleasing improvement in workforce stability,” Mr Eversteyn said.

The Annual Report was presented at a special council meeting last Tuesday, October 15.


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