4 December, 2023
LIONS clubs across the district are urging everyone to donate their used and no longer needed spectacles.
Donated glasses are collected and forwarded to a facility in Brisbane where the lenses are reground and then distributed to needy people within Australia and overseas.
This program is an important part of the Lions’ world-wide focus on eyesight.
With more than 53,000 Australians suffering from blindness or vision loss nationally, Lions clubs are constantly involved in Save Sight programs.
This includes public and school screenings that have detected many avoidable vision loss threats such as glaucoma and amblyopia.
In recent years the Lion Eye Health Program (LEHP) has resulted in exciting programs such as the Children’s Vision Screening program.
This program has been successfully carried out by the Warrnambool Lions Club, and extensive public awareness programs for older Australians relative to Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma, and more.
If your club does not have a dedicated collection point for spectacles talk to any Lions club member who will either arrange collection or tell you where they may be left.