

16 September, 2023

Students shine at speech night

PRIMARY students from across the district have shown courage and resilience to deliver a prepared speech during this week’s public speaking awards night.

By Staff Writer

Omar Obied, Daniel Yu and Mia He with their participation certificates.
Omar Obied, Daniel Yu and Mia He with their participation certificates.

Held last Tuesday night and hosted by the Lions Club of Warrnambool, the evening showcased the talents of several local students. 

Five participants from Warrnambool West Primary School attended after winning their school-based competition. 

These students were Mia He, Daniel Yu, Omar Obied, Babu Songe-Mohamed and Reem Obied. 

The students were given a topic to prepare and present a speech about. 

The year 3/4s spoke for three minutes about “Life as a Giant” and the year 5/6s spoke for four minutes about “Weird and Amazing World Records.”

The year 5/6 students also had an impromptu section where they had to speak for one minute about life with no technology.

They were given 10 minutes to prepare their speech. King’s College student Juliette Bourke won the year 3/4 section and Warrnambool West Primary School student Reem Obied was the successful speaker in the 5/6 section. 

All students spoke brilliantly and received a participation certificate. 

Warrnambool West Primary School student Babu Songe-Mohamed captured the audience’s attention with his speech on Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

Through his well-delivered speech, Babu respectfully brought awareness to the disease and its impact on both sufferers and carers. 

Well done to all participants and the Lions club organisers on a spectacular night. 

Babu Songe Mohammed and Reem Obied performed well at this week’s awards night.
Babu Songe Mohammed and Reem Obied performed well at this week’s awards night.

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