

26 July, 2024

United we remember

NEXT weekend’s Hampden League clash between North Warrnambool and Koroit will hold extra special meaning for both communities.

Next week’s round 15 clash between North Warrnambool and Koroit will hold special significance for both clubs as they remember those lost to suicide. Not only will the Eagles and the Saints be playing for four points, they will be playing for the ‘Connect Cup’ in honour of loved ones, friends and family members – and Mark Bowman, Brian White, and Matt Jellie (pictured) invite everyone to join them at Bushfield to pay tribute.
Next week’s round 15 clash between North Warrnambool and Koroit will hold special significance for both clubs as they remember those lost to suicide. Not only will the Eagles and the Saints be playing for four points, they will be playing for the ‘Connect Cup’ in honour of loved ones, friends and family members – and Mark Bowman, Brian White, and Matt Jellie (pictured) invite everyone to join them at Bushfield to pay tribute.

Playing for the ‘Connect Cup,’ the Eagles and Saints will come together to remember, honour and pay tribute to loved ones, friends, colleagues and family members lost to suicide.

The game, on Saturday August 3, will be a “ripper one” on-field but, more importantly, off field the two sporting communities will gel as one to encourage open conversations about mental health, and to share stories of those lost.

Instigated by Matthew Jellie, who sadly lost his brother Paul last year, the ‘Connect Cup’ will be awarded to the club with the most games won at the end of the day.

But its significance runs much deeper than on-court and on-field results; it symbolises the importance of reaching out, recognising and celebrating the lives and contributions of those lost, and to encourage open conversations about mental health.

“Brian (White) and Mark (Bowman) are both good mates of Paul and myself and the concept of this day between the two clubs was Brian’s idea,” Matthew said.

“After we lost Paul, we wanted to wait until the dust had settled a bit but we think now is the time to hold an event like this.

“We did the Melbourne marathon last year, the Run for PJ, and we’re hoping next weekend at Bushfield will also be a good fundraiser towards the Accidental Counsellor project.”

Accidental Counsellor is a one day session, open to anyone wanting to learn some important tools when it comes to dealing with suicide and mental health.

It’s hoped the ‘Connect Cup’ may become an annual event between North Warrnambool and Koroit.
It’s hoped the ‘Connect Cup’ may become an annual event between North Warrnambool and Koroit.

“The one-day session certainly doesn’t make you a qualified counsellor, but what it does do is give participants a few tools on how they can work through grief after suicide and perhaps help others along the journey.

“So far, Run for PJ has funded about 80 program participants in Warrnambool and our goal is to try to get at least one person from every sporting club and business in Warrnambool to go through the Accidental Counsellor program.”

A raffle will be run throughout the day on August 3 and visitors are also encouraged to take along a small momento to remember someone by – whether that be a letter, photo, small trinket or other special item – to place on the Remembrance Table.

“We’re hoping to get a big crowd to Bushfield to not only enjoy the footy and netball, but to share their stories and know that it’s okay to open up and be vulnerable,” Brian said.

“This is our way of connecting people and communities; so many people have been touched by suicide but it’s okay to talk about it. Talking is so important for our overall mental health.”

Games will commence at 10am.


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