
General News

14 March, 2025

Volunteers work to clean up Thunderpoint

THUNDERPOINT is now looking much cleaner thanks to the recent efforts of a large group of volunteers.

By Staff Writer

Volunteers collected a huge amount of rubbish at Thunderpoint on Clean Up Australia Day.
Volunteers collected a huge amount of rubbish at Thunderpoint on Clean Up Australia Day.

Almost 60 volunteers turned out for Beach Patrol 3280-3284s annual Clean Up Australia Day event just under a fortnight ago.

According to organisers, a staggering 20 kilograms of broken glass was collected throughout the day, indicating the area was unfortunately a popular spot for anti-social behaviour.

A massive 2250 cigarette butts was also collected.

In total, the group collected 320 glass bottles, plastic bottles and aluminium cans – along with hundreds of plastic food wrappers, coffee cups and single use plastic cups.

The surprise find of the day was when one lucky volunteer found $50.

The event was supported by West Warrnambool Neighbourhood House (who provided a barbecue lunch), Chris Hosie, and a large number of Rotary Warrnambool members.

The rubbish included around 20 kilograms of broken glass along with over 2,000 cigarette butts.
The rubbish included around 20 kilograms of broken glass along with over 2,000 cigarette butts.

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